We've all been there. You hurry home after a long day at work, excited to get cozy on the couch with the only company you’re gonna need for the night: your kitty cat, Grey's Anatomy in the ol’ Netflix queue, and a bottle of red wine within reach.
You remind yourself you're only having TWO glasses out of it this time though cuz, well... life lessons ;) and then plop down, launch the Netflix app on the TV, and ... BAM! Butterflies!
“TWO episodes of Grey's to catch up on!? Heck YES! Let’s do this!"
Two hours later and the ENTIRE bottle of Cab down the hatch (oops), you and your puffy, all-cried-out eyeballs head down the hall. Climbing into bed, you’re already regretting your mindless over-indulgence cuz…
Sure as sh*t… alarm goes off… second alarm goes off… eyes finally peel open and... UUUUGH! Hangover city! #Fail, Health Junkie!
Confused at how willingly your body now seems to betray you after only a “few glasses” of wine when-seems like yesterday- you used to be able to take shots like a champ and still wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed the next morning!
Today, however, the scene is more one of you staggering toward the kitchen whilst silently but fiercely wishing Bailey’s Liquore could take the place of your coffee creamer this morning.
However, once inside the kitchen, you convince yourself that the ol' “hair of the dog” remedy is maybe not the BEST move before work but suddenly recall talking to a coworker recently about her new go-to hangover cure. Tea! "Say whaaaat!?"
Still not convinced that TEA could possibly replace booze in dire times such as these (but also desperate AF for relief) you reach to the back of your pantry, pull out that one random sure-to-be-stale-by-now tea bag you've been saving for a "rainy day", and hope for the best.
Okay, so maybe we haven’t ALL been here and not everyone can relate to my super basic b story but, if you’re reading this, I KNOW you can relate to hangovers!
In this article, I’ll be discussing the most common symptoms of a hangover along with which types of tea are most beneficial for each symptom.
I'll then be sharing a list of some of the best ORGANIC tea brands available on Amazon that I feel are worth your consideration. So, let's dive in!
Best Tea For Hangover Symptoms
Chamomile Tea
- Can help to relieve hangover symptoms by replenishing electrolytes and rehydrating the body.
- Can also help to soothe the stomach and reduce nausea.
- Contains compounds that can help to relax the body and mind, which can be helpful in relieving headaches.
- Rich in antioxidants, which can help to protect the liver from damage caused by alcohol consumption.
- Good source of vitamins and minerals, which can help to boost energy levels and alleviate fatigue.
- Caffeine-free, so it will not contribute to dehydration or increase anxiety levels.
- Chamomile tea is easy to find and relatively inexpensive, making it an accessible hangover remedy for many people.
Ginger Tea
- Helps to soothe the stomach. Ginger has long been used as a natural remedy for nausea and vomiting.
- Can help to reduce inflammation associated with hangovers, particularly in the head and brain, which can provide relief from headaches, brain fog, and other unpleasant symptoms.
- Aids with digestive issues that often accompany a hangover, such as indigestion, heartburn, and nausea. Ginger tea can help to ease these symptoms and promote a healthy digestive system overall.
- Can also help to boost the immune system, which is often left vulnerable to illness in a hungover state. Drinking ginger tea can help to fortify the immune system and protect against illness.
- A natural energy booster that can also help to improve overall vitality after a hangover has left you feeling tired and sluggish.
Turmeric Tea
- Can help to detoxify the body and improve liver function, which is responsible for breaking down alcohol and removing toxins built up while drinking from the body.
- Hangovers can cause inflammation throughout the body, which can lead to headaches, muscle aches, and pain. Turmeric has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce these symptoms.
- Can also help to boost your immune system, which can be weakened during a hangover and make you more susceptible to illness.
- A natural digestive aid, turmeric tea can help to soothe your digestive system and ease any discomfort or indigestion caused by a hangover.
- Relaxing and calming effect on the body. Drinking turmeric tea can help to relax your body and mind and ease some of the anxious and stressed-out feelings that often accompany a hangover.
- Can help to settle your stomach and reduce feelings of nausea- one of the most common symptoms of a hangover.
- The curcumin in turmeric can help to boost energy levels and help fight fatigue- another very common symptom reported during a hangover.
- Can also help to clear up congestion and sinus pressure that may be caused by a hangover. The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric can help to reduce swelling in the nasal passages and make it easier to breathe.
Peppermint Tea
- Can help to reduce nausea by calming the stomach and promoting digestion.
- Can help to relieve a hangover-headache by reducing inflammation and promoting blood flow.
- Can help to reduce fatigue by stimulating the nervous system and improving circulation.
- Can help to rehydrate the body by increasing urination and promoting sweating.
- Can help to soothe stomach aches by relaxing the muscles of the digestive tract
- Can help to boost energy levels by stimulating the nervous system.
- Can help to clear congestion by thinning mucus and promoting drainage.
Green Tea
- Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which help to control free radical damage caused by excessive drinking.
- Can help to improve liver function. The liver is responsible for breaking down toxins introduced into the body during alcohol consumption.
- Can help to rehydrate the body, replenishing vital fluds important for alleviating headaches and other symptoms of a hangover.
- Can help to settle an upset stomach/reduce nausea caused by the presence of toxins in the digestive system due to drinking a lot of alcohol. Green tea also contains catechins, which are compounds that can help to aid in digestion
- Can also boost energy levels and alertness and also combat fatigue after a night of drinking thanks to its caffeine content.
- Contains polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants that can help to reduce inflammation throughout the body.
- Contains flavonoids, which are compounds that can help to boost the immune system, which can be at risk following a few too many alcoholic beverages.
- Can improve brain function. Green tea also contains L-theanine, which is an amino acid that can help to improve brain function and improve brain fog.
Matcha Tea
- Like green tea, matcha is also rich in antioxidants that can help to control free radical damage caused by excessive drinking.
- Can help to improve liver function and detoxify the body.
- Can help to rehydrate the body and replenish vital fluids lost during a night of drinking.
- Can help to reduce inflammation throughout the body.
- Can also help to improve brain function and ease symptoms of brain fog.
- Contains L-theanine, which can help to calm the mind and ease anxiety.
- Can boost energy levels and increase alertness and focus.
The Picking Proces
I’ve spent hours researching and reading through TONS of reviews so you wouldn’t have to. My one non-negotiable requirement for each tea to be deemed list-worthy: MUST be organic!
Keep scrollin' to see the best tea for hangover symptoms. (Actually, to see SIX of them! ;) I hope it helps!
The Goods
Best Tea For Hangovers
Full Disclosure: WholisticHealthJunkie.com is a member of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and other affiliate programs, meaning that any links you click below may result in commissions at no extra cost to you. And now that THAT'S out of the way...Happy Scrolling! ;)

Officially "Hooked"
"WHAT MORE CAN I SAY ABOUT CHAMOMILE TEA: I am an insomniac from last 10-15 years. I do not want to try prescription medicine as most of them are addictive. I tried melatonin but it depends on mood of melatonin to act or no lol!. I started using Chamomile Tea for sleep. I drink this tea half an hour before sleep. I suffer from starting sleep because of tension or stress. This tea helps me getting good sleep 90% of time. I have also tried it in the day and it is good relaxant. I would suggest buy from local store 1 pack and then buy this 6 pack." -Amazon Reviewer

Officially "Hooked"
"THE ROLLS-ROYCE OF TEA: Finely ground for optimal absorption of nutrients and made mostly of turmeric with just a touch of ginger and cinnamon, this tea is rich in organic color and flavor and works wonders for my mental and physical state, I highly recommend it." -Amazon Reviewer

Officially "Hooked"
"BEST PEPPERMINT TEA FOR THE MONEY: This package of tea lasts longer than the more expensive brand, and the peppermint flavor along with a bit of your favorite sweetener is perfect for a cold winter's day, to settle an upset stomach, or for whatever reason. It's simply my favorite beverage when I'm writing or doing other author related tasks. Drink it while reading, watching your favorite movie or show, or while you work, you can drink it any time of the day or night. My daughter loves it too!" -Amazon Reviewer

Officially "Hooked"
"THE BEST MATCHA TEA I'VE HAD: I like this matcha because it doesn’t give me tummy issues. Some matcha blends are too strong, but this one is not. I also drink it about twice a day and it keeps me relatively energized. I’m a college student so when I need a pick me up in the middle of studying I make some matchatea and I’m good to go." -Amazon Reviewer

Officially "Hooked"
"BEST GREEN TEA IN A KURIG POD: The flavor of this tea is better than the major competitor." -Amazon Reviewer
Is it OK to drink tea when you have a hangover?
Yes, it is OK to drink tea when you have a hangover. In fact, drinking tea may help to alleviate some of the symptoms of a hangover. See the article above for all of the best hangover teas.
Is tea or coffee better for a hangover?
There is no easy answer to this question, as Hangovers can vary greatly in severity and symptoms.
However, many people find that sipping on a cup of hot tea can help to ease their symptoms and make them feel better overall.
Coffee is also often consumed in an attempt to cure a hangover, as the caffeine can help to perk you up and alleviate some of the fatigue associated with a hangover.
However, it is important to note that the high amounts of caffeine in coffee can also dehydrate you, which can worsen some of the other hangover symptoms like headaches and nausea.
So, which is better for a hangover? Tea or coffee? Ultimately, it depends on the individual and how they are feeling.
There are many types of tea that can be beneficial for hangovers, including green tea, black tea, peppermint tea, and ginger tea. These teas can help to reduce nausea, fatigue, headache, and inflammation. They can also help to rehydrate the body and boost energy levels.
What tea is good for a hangover?
There are many types of tea that can be beneficial for hangovers, including green tea, black tea, peppermint tea, and ginger tea. These teas can help to reduce nausea, fatigue, headache, and inflammation. They can also help to rehydrate the body and boost energy levels.
What is the best drink for a hangover?
The best way to recover from a night of overindulgence is to hydrate with plenty of fluids. However, there is no one magic cure for a hangover.
Some people swear by consuming raw ginger or drinking it, as ginger is a great hangover tea choice. Others claim vitamin B6 and other food supplements do the trick, while others find relief in sleep and time.
Let's Recap!
If you’re looking to nurse a hangover, one of the best things you can do is drink tea. Even if you're not a tea lover, it's SO easy to drink tea and it's worth a shot, right? Decaf or caffeinated tea- both have their perks.
Speaking of perks, ginger, peppermint, chamomile, turmeric, green tea, and matcha all have unique benefits that can help alleviate various hangover symptoms. So next time you’re feeling rough after a night out drinking, choose one or a few of these teas to have on hand and start feeling better fast.