If SWEET is strictly what you're after for your next cup of tea, brown sugar does lend a deep, caramel or toffee flavor that goes nicely with bolder/black teas; however, it may be too overpowering for the = lighter, more delicate teas, such as green tea and white tea.
That being said, the answer is, "Yes, of course, you can use brown sugar in your tea." But I pose the question back: "Why would you want to?"
Brown Sugar-Things To Consider
Tea is a beverage most people drink to obtain the health benefits that lie within it and brown sugar is basically just white sugar coated in molasses.
And we all know dumping white sugar into anything is never ideal. So with that, here are some things you should keep in mind before sweetening your cup of tea with brown sugar.
- First of all, brown sugar is less sweet than white sugar. This means that you may need to use more brown sugar to get the same level of sweetness as you would with white sugar.
- Additionally, brown sugar can make your tea taste slightly different than if you were to use the more neutral white sugar. Some people say that brown sugar gives their tea a richer flavor, while others find that it makes the tea taste slightly burnt.
- Brown and white sugar actually have very similar nutritional profiles and effects on one's blood sugar, so skipping them BOTH and going with plain (blackstrap) molasses instead would be the healthier option.

Molasses- A Better Alternative?
Molasses is a byproduct of refining sugar cane or sugar beets into white table sugar. It's a thick, dark syrup that has a rich flavor.
Because it's less processed than white sugar, molasses contains more vitamins and minerals including: iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, selenium, copper, potassium, vitamin B6, and 18 amino acids! Who knew, right!?!
Additionally, molasses is sweeter than both white and brown sugar, which means that you won't need to use as much to get the desired level of sweetness.
Final Thoughts
So there you have it! While yes, you CAN use brown sugar in tea, you now know that it might not be the BEST option.
But! If you're dead set on using it cuz you have a gnarly sweet tooth like myself and a pound of it in the back of your pantry, no judgment here!
Just do yourself a favor and go easy on it so you don't end up forcing down a cup of tea with a completely different flavor profile than you had hoped for OR with one that's burnt-tasting. Both sound horrible. ;)
On the flip-side, perhaps I've done my self-appointed "job" and have successfully persuaded you to pass on the brown sugar but you're not particularly stoked on the idea of using molasses...
I wouldn't just leave you hangin'... there are PLENTY of other options out there for sweetening your tea in a healthier fashion (honey, stevia, agave nectar to name a few). And I commend you for taking the time to make an informed decision! ;)
Check out the article below for a list of some of the most popular brown sugar alternatives for tea that Amazon has to offer. Enjoy and thanks for reading!