In case you haven't heard, the latest trend sweeping the nation is smoking tea. That's right, people are taking perfectly good tea leaves with all of their nutritional and medicinal glory still intact and setting them on fire! But why?
Why Do People Smoke Tea?
The answer, quite simply, is that people will smoke anything these days. If it can be set on fire and inhaled, someone out there is probably doing it.
The supposed benefits of smoking tea include relaxation, improved focus, and even weight loss. Yes, you read that last one correctly: some people actually believe that smoking tea helps them lose weight.
But while none of these benefits have been actually proven, that hasn't stopped many people from doing it!
Are There Benefits To Smoking Tea?
Tea has many well-documented health benefits (take Jasmine Tea for example) when it's consumed in the traditional way—by steeping the leaves in hot water and drinking the resulting infusion.
These benefits include improved cardiovascular health, reduced risk of cancer, increased cognitive function, and YES! weight loss!
However, none of these benefits have been proven to occur when tea is smoked. In fact, quite the opposite is true: smoking anything—tea included—is detrimental to your health.

Are There Health Risks Associated With Smoking Tea?
This should go without saying, but smoking anything—tea included—is bad for your health.
Smoking damages your lungs and can lead to lung cancer. It also increases your risk of heart disease and stroke.
And if that wasn't enough, smoking also wreaks havoc on your skin—it causes wrinkles and premature aging.
So if you're considering taking up tea smoking as a hobby, know that all you're really doing, in the end, is damaging your health in a variety of ways.
The Bottom Line On Smoking Tea
So CAN you smoke tea? Of course! I mean, you can smoke anything that will catch on fire really... But when it comes down to it, smoking tea is just not a good idea.
Even if it does provide a quicker, slightly more intense caffeine rush (try DRINKING Zest Tea if a caffeine high is what you're after), that benefit is far outweighed by the laundry list of health risks associated with smoking anything—tea included.
The supposed benefits are unproven and the health risks are well-documented. So save yourself the trouble and stick to drinking your tea the old-fashioned way—without setting it on fire first. ;) Thanks for reading! Cheers!